Big Island Buddhist Federation (BIBF) Hanamatsuri Buddha Day – Sunday, April 3, 2022 – Online YouTube Service and Offering of Incense and Pouring of Sweet Tea at Liliuokalani Gardens in Hilo
In 2022 the Puna Hongwanji Buddhist Temple will be the host temple for the Big Island Buddhist Federation (BIBF) events. The first event we are planning is the Hanamatsuri Buddha Day. This is the occasion to commemorate the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha and rededicate ourselves to listen to the Buddha’s teaching that pledges to liberate all from suffering and bring utmost bliss to all. This event is open to the public and all are welcome. Should you need additional information, please contact us at (808)966-9981 or email us at
Flowers Requested – Friday, April 1, 2022
If you have flowers around your yard and willing to share with us, we would request that you drop them off at Puna Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, 16-492 Old Volcano Road in Keaau on Friday, April 1, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. We will utilize the flowers to decorate our Hanamido (Flower Altar) and place floral arrangements around the Sumo pavilion in Liliuokalani Gardens.
We will accept flowers and any greenery you may have in your garden that you are willing to share so that they may be prepared by our members.
The Hanamido (Flower Altar) in the flyer show a baby Buddha in the middle. During Hanamatsuri we pour sweet tea over the baby Buddha.
Online YouTube BIBF Hanamatsuri Buddha Day Service – Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
There will be an online Big Island Buddhist Federation (BIBF) Hanamatsuri Buddha Day Service available for your viewing on our Puna Hongwanji YouTube Channel. We will post a recorded video that will premier on Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
Our featured guest speaker will be Ms. Edythe Vassall from the Honpa Hongwanji Hilo Betsuin. She will be talking about the profound essence of the spirit of the “Asoka Flower” found in the poetry written by Lady Takeko Kujo. Sakyamuni Buddha was born under the Asoka tree which means “Flower without fear” and he delivered the teaching that would alleviate suffering and bring comfort and tranquility to all. Touched by the Buddha’s teaching, Lady Takeko Kujo, who was the daughter of the 21st Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji Head Priest, eloquently expressed herself as a human being in the light of Buddha and beautifully expounded the joy of life that is warmly within the great embrace of Buddha.
For more information on Lady Takeko Kujo click on the following link.
The video can be viewed on our Puna Hongwanji YouTube Channel at
After watching the 9:00 a.m. YouTube Service come join us at Liliuokalani Gardens in Hilo from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Offering of incense and pour sweet tea
Come to Liliuokalani Gardens and let us be exposed to the joyful gathering in commemoration of Sakyamuni Buddha’s birthday. Event will be held in the Sumo pavilion at the Liliuokalani Gardens in Hilo. The Sumo pavilion is next to the Tea House. After a short service at 10:30 a.m. everyone will be invited to come and see the beautiful flower altar “Hanamido” and experience the offering of incense and tea surrounded in the atmosphere of the beautiful garden. We will have a one-way pattern to enter and exit the pavilion. As you enter we will ask that you sanitize your hands. Prior to offering of incense and pouring sweet tea there will be educational items for you to view and read.
Offering incense and tea
WHEN: Sunday, April 3, 2022 from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: Sumo pavilion, Liliuokalani Gardens in Hilo
WHAT: Short service at 10:30 a.m. followed by guest looking at the displays, offering incense, and tea
WHY: To commemorate Shakaymuni Buddha’s Birthday
Safety Protocols (Recommended)
- Face covering at all times
- Maintain social distance
- Sanitizing hands
- Please note there will be no reserved parking
Donation to BIBF:
We will gratefully appreciate donations that will be submitted to the Big Island Buddhist Federation (BIBF) to continue these yearly events. You may bring your donation to the gardens, or if you wish you may mail it in. Please make checks payable to “Big Island Buddhist Federation” and mail to:
Puna Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
P.O. Box 100
Keaau, HI 96749
For additional information, scan the QR code with your camera on your phone.