
children with taiko drums and temple banner

The Puna Ohana

At Puna Hongwanji, you have an opportunity to participate in the various temple activities, meet old friends and make new ones through fellowship and food. Indeed, we treasure the moments spent together eating, conversing, and enjoying coffee & tea. Puna Hongwanji is a special place for you to apply your skill and knowledge and find comfort for yourself and become a treasure to help serve others in our community.

Members are those who choose to support the temple with annual membership dues.  Payment can be made weekly, monthly, semi-annually.  Our fiscal year is from January – December.

Our suggested membership dues are $250 per year per family.  (Change effective January 1, 2024)

Membership Form Puna 2024 (Rev 10-16-24)

Frequently asked questions include the benefits of becoming a member.

It’s a valid inquiry. Some benefits include:

– Participation in temple events and activities

– Playing a vital role that brings joy to oneself and others

– Receiving a monthly newsletter in physical form

– Special rates for facility usage

– Early or exclusive access to temple offerings before the community

The key point is the willingness to support the temple and enjoy time spent with others. Generally, membership stems from generational ties, family religion, club affiliations, fellowship, volunteering, and spiritual or religious exploration, with each reason being respected and valued. Guided by Amida Buddha’s all-embracing compassion and all-inclusive wisdom, we aim to be a temple welcoming to all, irrespective of background. Our mission is to spread the joy of compassionate inclusivity. If this resonates with you, join us in reaching out to those who feel otherwise. Through our religious services and various activities, we share the teachings of Amida Buddha. Let’s be part of this expanding ripple of joy and understanding.

Additionally, the power of Sangha, a community that listens to the teachings, is another important aspect. In modern society, there are various interpretations of being a Buddhist: from Nightstand Buddhists to those who are spiritual but not religious, practice meditation and mindfulness, or appreciate Buddhist concepts. Some seek a Sangha where fellow practitioners learn, study, value, and cherish the teachings, supporting each other on their journey. For some, due to personal circumstances, home may not be a place of comfort, leaving them with no choice but to seek solace elsewhere. Puna Hongwanji offers a place of comfort before Amida Buddha.

It’s important to acknowledge that although we are a Buddhist temple, we are NOT a PERFECT organization because we are human. Drama may arise, prompting questions about its purpose even within the temple. However, this is precisely why we are part of the temple: to learn and understand that we live in a human realm—SAHA a world of endurance—and to be guided not only by human experiences but also by the teachings towards enlightenment.

One of my mentors exclaimed, “What?! You don’t come to the temple because of a human relationship issue happened at the temple?” “Bakatare! (Foolish!) If you stop coming to the temple, who will help you learn your true nature? You may think the drama is caused by others, but Buddhism teaches us to pause and recognize that the root cause lies within us—our ego, pride, and attachment. Even if you feel that by not coming there will be no drama, it may be true, but your true nature remains, waiting to be discovered. Come to the temple, listen to the teachings, learn about yourself and others, make mistakes, learn from them, live together, laugh together, cry together, all within the warm embrace of compassion and the bright wisdom of Amida Buddha. Come as you are.”

Thank you in advance for your considering joining us in this way! We welcome your support and participation. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 808966-9981.

You may also pay your dues online via PayPal, credit card, or debit card.  In the memo section, please indicate “membership dues for your first and last name”

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