Obon and Columbarium Service – Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
On Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. will be our Obon and Columbarium Service. You are invited to attend in person and online via Zoom. If there are any children attending the service, after the Children’s Dharma Message, they will be excused to do an activity. Rev. Satoshi Ka’imipono Tomioka will share the Dharma Message “Zenjishiki: The friend who teaches”.
The Zoom link will be emailed out tonight to those on our email listing. Those that want to be added, please email mpunahongwanji@twc.com. Please email us by 7 am on Sunday to ensure you get the Zoom link. Any request after that time, we will try our best to check our emails and send you the link. In the mornings we are busy getting ready for service so don’t always get to check our emails.
We are collecting backpacks for our island keiki to be donated to the Hawaii Police Department. The collection deadline has been extended to Sunday, July 16, 2023.