Virtual Bon Dance – July 3 and July 4, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Premiere on Facebook and YouTube
Puna Hongwanji Virtual Bon Dance – July 3, 2020 and July 4, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
Due to Covid-19 lots of our temple activities have been suspended or canceled. This year in-person Bon Dance is an activity that we are canceling at Puna Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. We realize it’s a time for everyone to gather with family and friends to remember our loved ones that have gone before us. It’s also a time to enjoy the delicious foods and snacks from the concession, it’s a time to meet up with friends, it’s a time to make new friends, and it’s a time to dance to all the different Bon Dance music. Since we cannot be together outside under the stars dancing around the yagura the next best thing we can offer you is a virtual bon dance. We will premier two videos on the weekend we would have had our Bon Dance. The two videos will have different clips so join us on Friday, July 3, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, July 4, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. You can dance in the comforts of your own home as the videos will premier on our Facebook page and our YouTube page. You may also join us from your living room to do a Zoom watch party. If you are interested in joining Zoom, please fill out the google form survey so that we can add you to the list. You may also just view the premier videos on your own. Click on the attached link if you want to join the Zoom portion of the Bon Dance.
Puna Hongwanji 7-Days of Obon Challenge #PunaObonChallenge
Visit our Puna Hongwanji Facebook and Instagram account for our Puna Hongwanji 7-Days of Obon Challenge #PunaObonChallenge in which we have short video clips of our Taiko members dancing to your favorite bon dance songs. The challenge is the music has been muted so you will have to guess the song title by the dance moves. Be careful to select the right date you are making your guess for All answers are date and time stamped so if you submit multiple guesses for one particular day we will only accept your first submission. Get 7 out of 7 right and your name will be entered into our drawing. All guesses must be submitted by Friday, July 3, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. (Hawaii time). The winner will be announced Friday night at our Zoom bon dance watch party. After all entries have been received we will review the answers. For those that have 7 out of 7 we will put your name in a drawing. Winners will be announced at our Friday, July 3, 2020 Zoom Watch Party. Thank you Puna Taiko for helping with this challenge. NOTE: Taiko members at the filming and committee members are not qualified to enter. Click here to enter
Genki Ondo Tutorial
We share this tutorial so that when we premiere our Bon Dance videos on Friday, July 3, 2020 and Saturday, July 4, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. when this song plays you will have already practiced the dance movements.
Due to the coronavirus many of our activities were being cancelled. We held off as long as we could, but the decision to cancel our 2020 Bon Dance was made and a small group got together to organize a virtual bon dance instead. During our meeting, an idea was mentioned about doing a dance that spoke about the current situation, and while recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic has been a serious issue, the committee decided to focus on the collaborative and cooperative nature of Hawaii’s people to follow safety guidelines. Thus, the idea of “Genki Ondo” was created as a wish for people to continue their cooperation and vigilance. In Japanese translation Genki (??) means fine, healthy, and energetic.
A collaboration with Puna Taiko members, Paul Sakamoto and Betty Masteron composed the drumming and flute music, while the choreography was done by Sharyse Molina. Sharye’s movements remind everyone about social distancing, wearing masks, hand-washing, and working from home. It is a reminder that staying healthy and safe is not just an individual effort, but one that requires compassion and cooperation from all of us.
As such, the creators offer this piece as a new odori and encourage others to learn, teach, modify, and perform “Genki Ondo” as a way to remain positive during a difficult time.