Halloween 2021 Activities Open to the Public – Deadline to Submit is October 15, 2021 – 2 activities extended to October 27, 2021
Halloween Activities for the young and young at heart
We invite all of you to join us in our Halloween activities we have planned for Halloween 2021. These events are being sponsored by the Puna Hongwanji Events Committee and the Puna Hongwanji Dharma School. We invite the young and the young at heart to participate in 1, 2, 3, or all 4 activities. There is no cost to enter. It’s just about having fun.
Should you have any questions, please contact our temple at (808) 966-9981 or email the events committee at punahongwanjievents@gmail.com.
ACTIVITY #1 – Pumpkin Patch 
Help us create a pumpkin patch design to weave all the pumpkins into one vine. You can help us create a paper pumpkin patch by drawing, coloring, decorating, designing, or writing a message in your pumpkin. Currently, we have the vine, but no pumpkin growing. Each of you are the seed and with our love and nurturing we will be able to create our paper pumpkin patch. We have so many struggles in life, but we don’t stop to realize that like the pumpkin we are all interconnected. The pumpkin vine is like the world and each of us is the pumpkin growing on the vine striving to live harmoniously and peacefully.
You may use the template we have or create your own pumpkin drawing. Make it simple, make it elaborate, use your creativity. In order for our pumpkin patch to thrive we need you to help us fill the pumpkin patch with pumpkins.
Submit your paper pumpkin by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2021 11:59 P.M. (HST) ***DEADLINE EXTENDED TO OCTOBER 27, 2021.*** via our Google forms at https://forms.gle/EGZYJceNCCwLTCWdA. OR email a picture to punahonwanjievents@gmail.com. OR mail it to Puna Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, ATTN: Events Committee, PO Box 100, Keaau, HI 96749.
ACTIVITY #2 – Online Vegetable/Fruit Carving Contest
Halloween activities fun for the whole family to participate in. We will have prizes to giveaway.
There are four categories:
- Spookiest
- Most Creative
- Beautiful/Cute
- Most Organic
Must use fruit or vegetable. Must be your own creation. Must not be a previous carved item, needs to be recently carved. Must not display name of commercial products, companies, or organizations.
Prizes will be 1st Place – $20 gift card; 2nd Place – $15 gift card; and 3rd Place – $10 gift card.
Take a picture of your creation and submit it via our Google forms at https://forms.gle/B9LNQLH6ayoBTQqB8 or email punahongwanjievents@gmail.com with your name, category, and short description of your creation.
All entries are due by Friday, October 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. (HST). Voting will be by people’s choice and all photos will be shared on our Facebook page. Voting will start on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 and ends on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. (HST). Winners and your prizes will be announced on Sunday, October 31, 2021 after our Sunday service during the announcements. You may enter multiple times, but you are able to only win one prize.
Share your creativity and remember to have fun and be safe when carving. Happy carving.
ACTIVITY #3 – Online Halloween Costume Contest
Halloween activities fun for the whole family to participate in. We will have prizes to giveaway.
There are four categories:
- Spookiest
- Most Creative
- Beautiful/Cute
- Best use of recycled materials
Must be appropriate to post on our Facebook page. Must not display name of commercial products, companies, or organizations.
Prizes will be 1st Place – $20 gift card; 2nd Place – $15 gift card; and 3rd Place – $10 gift card.
Take a picture with your costume and submit it via our Google forms at https://forms.gle/aTkodhrWaf3tmVxaA or email punahongwanjievents@gmail.com with your name, category, and short description of your costume.
All entries are due by Friday, October 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. (HST). Voting will be by people’s choice and all photos will be shared on our Facebook page. Voting will start on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 and ends on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. (HST). Winners and your prizes will be announced on Sunday, October 31, 2021 after our Sunday service during the announcements. You may enter multiple times, but you are able to only win one prize.
ACTIVITY #4 – Vine of Harmony
We realize that some of you don’t like to draw/color, carve fruits/vegetables, or dress up for Halloween. Therefore, we created another way in which you can participate. With the theme “Vine of Harmony” please share your thoughts with us in writing. You can write a poem, haiku, or short essay with the theme “Vine of Harmony”.
Submit your poem, haiku, or short essay utilizing the Google forms at https://forms.gle/MM7CyZeaF279fHzEA or email us at punahongwanjievents@gmail.com. Please submit by Friday, October 15, 2021. ***DEADLINE EXTENDED TO OCTOBER 27, 2021.***
We hope that you have a fun time with these events. Stay safe and healthy.