Halloween Activities – Open to the Public – DUE DATE: FRIDAY,(HST)
Online Vegetable/Fruit Carving Contest #1
Select a category to enter your carving into:
***Spookiest*** ***Most Creative*** ***Beautiful/Cute*** ***Most Organic***
- Must use fruit or vegetable.
- Must be your own creation.
- Must not be a previous carved item, needs to be recently carved for this contest.
- Must not display name of commercial products, companies, or organizations.
- Photo entries are due by Friday, October 23, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. (HST)
- Voting starts on October 24, 2020 and ends on October 29, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.
- Winners will be announced on Saturday, October 31, 2020
Take a picture of your carved project and submit it to punahongwanjipeaceday@gmail.com with your name, category, and short description of your creation or fill out the google form at https://forms.gle/4Sj4EFF45bihyHG37.
Online Halloween Costume Contest #2
Select a category to enter your carving into:
***Spookiest*** ***Most Creative*** ***Beautiful/Cute*** ***Best use of recycled materials***
- Must be appropriate to post on our Facebook page.
- Must not display name of commercial products, companies, or organizations.
- Photo entries are due by Friday, October 23, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. (HST)
- Voting starts on October 24 2020 and ends on October 29, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.
- Winners will be announced on Saturday, October 31, 2020.
Take a picture of your costume contest. Take a picture of you and/or your family in your costume and submit it to punahongwanji@gmail.com Submit your name, category, and short description of your costume. https://forms.gle/KRunHrYyWsAM8Qjv7