Hawaii District Ministers Association 2022 Zoom Online Buddhist Seminar – Saturday, December 10, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (Hawaii time)

Never Alone Shin Buddishm and End-of-Life Care FlyerOn Saturday, December 10, 2022 the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Hawaii District Ministers Association (HDMA) will have a 2022 Zoom Online Buddhist Seminar.  The theme for the seminar will be “Never Alone:  Shin Buddhism and End-of-Life Care.”  The session will be held on Saturday, December 10, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (Hawaii time).  The keynote speaker will be Rev. Tatsuo Muneto, Retired Minister of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii.

Topic for the Presentation:

Never Alone:  Shin Buddhism and End-of-Life Care

Are you or someone you know a caregiver to someone facing the end-of-life?  Or, have you begun thinking about the spiritual care you would like to receive when the time comes?  If your answer is “yes”, this seminar is for you.  Join us for an Online Buddhist Seminar and discussion on “End-of-Life Care”.


Time Line:

  • Keynote Speaker:  Rev. Tatsuo Muneto, Retired Minister (30 minutes)
  • HDMA Ministers’ presentations through the “Faith” Shinko booklets published by some ministers of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii from 1957 to 1959.  Rev. Yamagishi & Rev. Takahashi (15 minutes) and Rev. Kamuro & Rev. Tomioka (15 minutes)
  • Q & A Facilitator:  Rev. Higa (30 minutes)

To register for the class, please visit:  https://forms.gle/ryFcLFtJyi5AhFuy6

For Rev. Muneto’s biography and outline of the seminar, please visit:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DaHJXP1_CiFQdqESSF94SvM5P51ZryLG/view?usp=sharing

For further questions, please email hawaii.kyogakkai@gmail.com or call 808-961-6677

All are welcome to register and participate.